Sunday, July 6, 2014

Feeling Like I'm the Bad Guy

This weekend bedtime has gone so well, but tonight was a different story. Refusal, tears, screaming, full blown tantrum. I try to give Zoey choices (i.e. Mommy can sing goodnight or mommy can just leave). Most of the time it works and she asks me to sing and that's the end of it. Nights like tonight it doesn't. She asks me to sing but then tells for me to stop, and she's stuck on repeat. So I end up having to walk out of the room with her still screaming. Scott stays and eventually she calms down and asks me to come back in to sing and I do. Then she is so apologetic about her behavior and sobs " I'm sorry mommy" over and over again. I feel like such a bad parent in those moments for breaking her heart. But it's all or nothing sometimes with her. If I don't give a natural consequence, she stays stuck. I just wish I didn't feel like I am always the bad guy. 

Thankfully Most Nights End Like This

1 comment:

  1. I love you so very much Kristin, you are such an amazing Mommy. I can not even imagine how hard this all is for you, if I culd take it from you - I would in a heart beat <3
